Weekday talk show dedicated to the stories and issues around Prince George!
Upcoming Guests
- Tracy Calogheros, Ehsen Mohammadi,Holly Keech
- 12/12/2023-9:0
- 12/12/2023-10:0
- http://cfisfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/after9allen_new_grey.jpg
- Tracy Calogheros from The Exploration Place; Ehsen Mohammadi from Two Rivers Gallery; and Holly Keech from Alefest.
- http://cfisfm.com/2023/12/09/tracy-calogheros-ehsen-mohammadiholly-keech/
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- After Nine with Allan Wishart
- 1/9/2024-13:0
- 1/9/2024-14:0
- Ken Hall from the PGSO; Fernanda Sully from Omineca Arts Centre; and Katherine Benny w\from Coldsnap.
- http://cfisfm.com/2024/01/04/after-nine-with-allan-wishart/
- 0
Past Episodes