Message from the President

On behalf of the Board of the Prince George Community Radio Society I would like to extend our best wishes and hope you and your family is safe and well. We understand the last six months have been difficult for everyone. The current situation has impacted our community and our lives profoundly dramatically. The station has also suffered immensely from businesses cutbacks across the city. We have lost significant advertising revenue which puts us in a difficult position moving forward. For us to continue operating the radio station we need new sponsors, memberships, and advertisers.The Board is asking our membership to think about ways to assist us in generating revenue. With that in mind, please make sure your membership is up to date. As well, members can encourage friends, family, or businesses to support local community radio by also getting a membership. Simple direct donations are also greatly appreciated.In lieu of money our membership could help with contributions such as, fund raising suggestions, grant opportunities, funding resources or even asking businesses you are personally associated with if they would be interested in advertising on CFIS.We have all been hit hard by the current situation and although you may not be able to help financially, perhaps your ideas or suggestions could make a difference for the station. We are committed to providing local community radio to the people of Prince George and surrounding area. We look forward to hearing from you in the future. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email through the contact information below.

Wayne Hughes

President PGCRS

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