Senior Moments September 3rd 2024

Host: Dawn Hemingway
- Tammy Meise speaks about Red Dress Event Sept 8th 1pm Stand-in at the Red Dress Monument (Hwy 15 & Ferry, PG), 2pm Convoy to Lheidli T’enneh Park. For more info:
- Tanvi Guhagarker & Kyla Laferdy speak about Take Back the Night March Sept 20th 6:30pm Canada Games Plaza (PG), 8:30pm open mic at Thirsty Moose pub (UNBC). For more info:
- Vibusha Madanayake speaks about the AIDS WALK on Sept 20th 10am registration, 11am walk, noon -4pm educational booths/activities. All at Fire Pit (1120 3rd Ave, PG). For more info: 250-562-1172 or